The generation of animated human figures especially in crowd scenes has many applications in such domains as the special effects industry, computer games or for the simulation of ...
Adam Szarowicz, Marek Mittmann, Paolo Remagnino, J...
Simulation has been regarded as the third way to represent social models, alternative to other two symbol systems: the verbal argumentation and the mathematical one. Simulation ca...
In this article, we are interested in providing a framework to develop games for visually impaired or blind children. In this context, we propose a tool set to ease the creation o...
Cyrille Bertelle, Antoine Dutot, Sylvain Lerebourg...
In this paper, a three-component architecture of a learning environment for Go is sketched, which can be applied to any two-player, deterministic, full information, partizan, comb...
The field of multi-agent systems is an active area of research. One of the possible applications of a multi-agent system is the use of distributed techniques for problem solving. ...
This paper investigates the application of neural network techniques to the creation of a program that can play the game of Go with some degree of success. The combination of soft...
In this paper we describe a fully implemented prototype for interactive storytelling using the UnrealTM engine. We describe the important mechanisms involved in the variability of...
Though the Palm is mainly a business tool, many games have been developed for it and more are published daily. This article starts by examining the status of game development on t...
An advanced Business Game is presented in the paper, built on the methodology of System Dynamics. It can be used for cognitive learning and knowledge transmission in schools and U...