Modern embedded CPU systems rely on a growing number of software features, but this growth increases the memory footprint and increases the need for efficient instruction and data...
We present an improved algorithm for concretization of abstract eres in abstraction refinement-based invariant checking. The algorithm maps each transition of the abstract error ...
VLSI timing analysis and power estimation target the same circuit switching activity. Power estimation techniques are categorized as (1) static, (2) statistical, and (3) simulatio...
In sub-90nm process technology it becomes harder to control the fabrication process, which in turn causes variations between the design-time parameters and the fabricated paramete...
— Criticality and yield gradients are two crucial diagnostic metrics obtained from Statistical Static Timing Analysis (SSTA). They provide valuable information to guide timing op...
Jinjun Xiong, Vladimir Zolotov, Chandu Visweswaria...
We present the implementation and analysis of a variation tolerant version of a switch-to-switch link in a NoC. The goal is to tolerate the effects of process variations on NoC ar...
Constant-coefficient multipliers are fundamental components in digital signal processing and arithmetic-based systems. Their verification, however, remains difficult and time-cons...
Token passing is a channel access technique used in several communication networks. Among them, one of the most effective solution for supporting both real-time traffic (synchron...
Gianluca Franchino, Giorgio C. Buttazzo, Tullio Fa...