Comparator-based switched capacitor (CBSC) circuits present an alternative approach to designing sampled data systems based on the principle of detecting a virtual ground conditio...
Massoud Momeni, Petru Bogdan Bacinschi, Manfred Gl...
The synchronous modeling paradigm provides strong execution correctness guarantees to embedded system design while making minimal environmental assumptions. In most related framew...
In this paper, we use the generalized binary de Bruijn (GBDB) graph as a scalable and efficient network topology for an on-chip communication network. Using just two-layer wiring,...
Mohammad Hosseinabady, Mohammad Reza Kakoee, Jimso...
We present several methods to generate modular code from synchronous hierarchical block diagrams. Modularity means code is generated for a given macro (i.e., composite) block inde...
As feature sizes decrease, power dissipation and heat generation density exponentially increase. Thus, temperature gradients in Multiprocessor Systems on Chip (MPSoCs) can serious...
Fabrizio Mulas, Michele Pittau, Marco Buttu, Salva...
With technology advances, the number of cores integrated on a chip and their speed of operation is increasing. This, in turn is leading to a significant increase in chip temperat...
Srinivasan Murali, Almir Mutapcic, David Atienza, ...
This paper presents a concurrent error detection technique targeted towards control logic in a processor with emphasis on low area overhead. Rather than detect all modeled transie...
Ramtilak Vemu, Abhijit Jas, Jacob A. Abraham, Srin...
Embedded systems are often operating under hard real-time constraints. Such systems are naturally described as time-bound reactions to external events, a point of view made manife...
Per Lindgren, Johan Eriksson, Simon Aittamaa, Joha...