MLF is a type system that seamlessly merges ML-style implicit but second-class polymorphism with System F explicit first-class polymorphism. We present xMLF, a Church-style versi...
Disproof can be as important as proof in studying programs and programming languages. In particular, side conditions in a statement about program behavior are sometimes best unders...
The logical framework LF provides an elegant foundation for specifying formal systems and proofs and it is used successfully in a wide range of applications such as certifying code...
Recently, many techniques have been introduced that allow the (automated) classification of the runtime complexity of term rewrite systems (TRSs for short). In this paper we show ...
We present a general framework for generating SQL query test cases using Constraint Logic Programming. Given a database schema and a SQL view defined in terms of other views and s...
A succinct SAT solver is presented that exploits the control provided by delay declarations to implement watched literals and unit propagation. Despite its brevity the solver is su...