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14 years 3 months ago
Compressed Pattern Databases
A pattern database (PDB) is a heuristic function implemented as a lookup table that stores the lengths of optimal solutions for subproblem instances. Standard PDBs have a distinct...
Ariel Felner, Richard E. Korf, Ram Meshulam, Rober...
14 years 4 months ago
Admissible Heuristics for Optimal Planning
hsp and hspr are two recent planners that search the state-space using an heuristic function extracted from Strips encodings. hsp does a forward search from the initial state reco...
Patrik Haslum, Hector Geffner
14 years 4 months ago
Local Search Topology in Planning Benchmarks: An Empirical Analysis
Many state-of-the-art heuristic planners derive their heuristic function by relaxing the planning task at hand, where the relaxation is to assume that all delete lists are empty. ...
Jörg Hoffmann
14 years 4 months ago
An in Depth Comparison of Four Texture Segmentation Methods
Texture segmentation is the process of partitioning an image into regions with different textures containing similar group of pixels. This paper presents a comparative study of fo...
Vamsi Krishna Madasu, Prasad K. D. V. Yarlagadda
14 years 5 months ago
Case-Based Recommendation of Node Ordering in Planning
Currently, among the fastest approaches to AI task planning we find many forward-chaining heuristic planners, as FF. Most of their good performance comes from the use of domain-i...
Tomás de la Rosa, Angel García Olaya...
14 years 5 months ago
Classical Planning in MDP Heuristics: with a Little Help from Generalization
Heuristic functions make MDP solvers practical by reducing their time and memory requirements. Some of the most effective heuristics (e.g., the FF heuristic function) first determ...
Andrey Kolobov, Mausam, Daniel S. Weld
14 years 8 months ago
Heuristically Accelerated Q-Learning: A New Approach to Speed Up Reinforcement Learning
This work presents a new algorithm, called Heuristically Accelerated Q–Learning (HAQL), that allows the use of heuristics to speed up the well-known Reinforcement Learning algori...
Reinaldo A. C. Bianchi, Carlos H. C. Ribeiro, Anna...
14 years 9 months ago
Using Cases Utility for Heuristic Planning Improvement
Current efficient planners employ an informed search guided by a heuristic function that is quite expensive to compute. Thus, ordering nodes in the search tree becomes a key issue,...
Tomás de la Rosa, Angel García Olaya...