The continued scaling of device dimensions and the operating voltage reduces the critical charge and thus natural noise tolerance level of transistors. As a result, circuits can p...
Multiprocessor computer systems are currently widely used in commercial settings to run critical applications. These applications often operate on sensitive data such as customer ...
Brian Rogers, Chenyu Yan, Siddhartha Chhabra, Milo...
This paper presents FlexiTaint, a hardware accelerator for dynamic taint propagation. FlexiTaint is implemented as an in-order addition to the back-end of the processor pipeline, ...
Guru Venkataramani, Ioannis Doudalis, Yan Solihin,...
Fetch gating mechanisms have been proposed to gate the processor pipeline to reduce the wasted energy consumption due to wrongpath (i.e. mis-speculated) instructions. These scheme...
Chang Joo Lee, Hyesoon Kim, Onur Mutlu, Yale N. Pa...
Increases in peak current draw and reductions in the operating voltages of processors continue to amplify the importance of dealing with voltage fluctuations in processors. Noise-...
Meeta Sharma Gupta, Krishna K. Rangan, Michael D. ...