Trajectory-based interactions, such as navigating through nested-menus, drawing curves, and moving in 3D worlds, are becoming common tasks in modern computer interfaces. Users’ ...
Music is a rich communication medium, and there are some similarities between the job of a music composer and that of an HCI designer (although their objectives may be different)....
The paper describes lessons learned about the design of a form for interactive narrative. The lessons are based on an initial prototype and have ramifications for both a next-step...
The design of tailorable systems is an important issue for fields of application which are characterized by differentiation and dynamics. We show how tailorability can be combined...
Human-computer interaction is multidisciplinary, drawing paradigms and techniques from both the natural sciences and the design disciplines. HCI cannot be considered a pure natura...
This paper tells the story of the development of the human interface for OpenDoc, a large-scale, complex, crossplatform commercial development project at Apple Computer. OpenDoc w...
This paper presents the design of a new form of computer interface that uses physical objects to embody digital information, providing a means for interacting with data. Triangles...
This paper describes the teleradiology application CHILI from the graphical user interface point of view. We present the most important design decisions taken during the construct...
Metronaut is a novel wearable computer which captures information, senses position, provides wide range communications, consumes less than one watt of power, and weighs less than ...