
8 years 8 months ago
LevelSpaceGUI: scaffolding novice modelers' inter-model explorations
We present an interface for programming relationships between two or more NetLogo [18] models running concurrently. The interface is designed specifically to help high school aged...
Arthur Hjorth, Bryan Head, Corey E. Brady, Uri Wil...
8 years 8 months ago
Small group learning with games in museums: effects of interactivity as mediated by cultural differences
Museums are rich and complex learning experiences, using a variety of interactive approaches to engage their audiences. However, the largely unstructured nature of free-choice lea...
Panagiotis Apostolellis, Doug A. Bowman
8 years 8 months ago
Interactive design by children: a construct map for programming
In this paper, we present our analysis of 92 fourth graders’ digital story projects completed in LaPlaya, a Scratch-like programming environment. Projects were analyzed for the ...
Alexandria K. Hansen, Hilary A. Dwyer, Charlotte H...
8 years 8 months ago
Using neurofeedback to teach self-regulation to children living in poverty
In this paper we describe a neuro-feedback system and applications we designed and deployed to help vulnerable children at an NGO-funded school, called Nepal House Kaski, in Pokha...
Alissa Nicole Antle, Leslie Chesick, Aaron Levisoh...
8 years 8 months ago
HandiMate: exploring a modular robotics kit for animating crafted toys
Building from our previous work we explore HandiMate, a robotics kit which enables users to construct and animate their toys using everyday craft materials [32]. The kit contains ...
Sang Ho Yoon, Ansh Verma, Kylie Peppler, Karthik R...
8 years 8 months ago
KIBO robot demo: engaging young children in programming and engineering
Robotics offers a playful and tangible way for young children to engage with technology and engineering concepts during their foundational early childhood years. This paper descri...
Amanda Sullivan, Mollie Elkin, Marina Umaschi Bers
8 years 8 months ago
Paper mechatronics: a design case study for a young medium
Paper Mechatronics is a novel interdisciplinary design medium for children, enabled by recent advances in craft technologies: the term refers to a reappraisal of traditional educa...
Hyunjoo Oh, Michael Eisenberg, Mark D. Gross, Sher...
8 years 8 months ago
Touchscreen prompts for preschoolers: designing developmentally appropriate techniques for teaching young children to perform ge
Though toddlers and preschoolers are regular touchscreen users, relatively little is known about how they learn to perform unfamiliar gestures. In this paper we assess the respons...
Alexis Hiniker, Kiley Sobel, Sungsoo Ray Hong, Hye...