In real world development environments where deadlines are fixed, a designer must craft a process that works with the team and within the constraints of a project. The traditional...
A central challenge in interaction design has to do with its diversity. Designers, engineers, managers, marketers, researchers and users all have important contributions to make t...
Many sources of empirical data can be used to evaluate an interface (e.g., time to learn, time to perform benchmark tasks, number of errors on benchmark tasks, answers on question...
Item selection is a key problem in electronic guidebook design. Many systems do not apply so-called “context-awareness” technologies to infer user interest, placing the entire...
As new technologies create smaller, cheaper and faster machines, we see a paradigm shift from desktop computing to wearable computing. In less than a decade, we have witnessed the...
Jennifer G. Sheridan, Valerie Lafond-Favieres, Wen...
Implicit human computer interaction is based on the concept of using user activity in the real world as input to computers. Implicit HCI can help to reduce the problem of user inp...
Albrecht Schmidt, Hans-Werner Gellersen, Christian...
In this paper we present a framework for a navigation system in an indoor environment using only omnidirectional video. Within a Bayesian framework we seek the appropriate place a...