Abstract. This paper introduces a prototype of a distributed user interface (DUI) on dual devices, a workstation and a Windows Mobilepowered smartphone. By porting the XML-complian...
This paper introduces a novel user interface designed to mitigate some of the usability problems in mobile web access. The interface consists of two side-by-side panels for represe...
Memory problems are often associated with ageing and are among the most common effects of brain injury. Such problems can severely disrupt daily life and put huge strain on family ...
This paper introduces a method for automatically partitioning richly-formatted electronic documents. An automatic partitioning system has many potential uses, but we focus here on ...
The study reported here investigates the design and evaluation of a gesturecontrolled, spatially-arranged auditory user interface for a mobile computer. Such an interface may prov...
In this paper we evaluate techniques for browsing photographs on small displays. We present two new interaction techniques that replace conventional scrolling and zooming controls....
Dynal Patel, Gary Marsden, Steve Jones, Matt Jones
Abstract. Speech interfaces are about to be integrated in consumer appliances and embedded systems and are expected to be used by mobile users in ubiquitous computing environments....
With network and small screen device improvements, such as wireless abilities, increased memory and CPU speeds, users are no longer limited by location when accessing on-line infor...
Abstract. The goal of this work is to provide tools that promote social interactions between visitors through cooperative and educational games. In this paper, we describe how to s...
Abstract. The field of Remote Vehicle Diagnostics can be described as the remote management of vehicles equipped with electronic control systems. Despite the great potential that i...
Jonas Kuschel, Henrik Fagrell, Carl Johan Andersso...