The research area of Single Display Groupware (SDG) confronts the standard model of computing interaction, one user working on one computer, by investigating how to best support g...
The DataTiles system integrates the benefits of two major interaction paradigms: graphical and physical user interfaces. Tagged transparent tiles are used as modular construction ...
Eye tracking studies of the Hyperbolic Tree browser [10] suggest that visual search in focus+context displays is highly affected by information scent (i.e., local cues, such as te...
Peter Pirolli, Stuart K. Card, Mija M. Van Der Weg...
In this paper we present a system that electromagnetically tracks the positions and orientations of multiple wireless objects on a tabletop display surface. The system offers two ...
James Patten, Hiroshi Ishii, Jim Hines, Gian Panga...
Group meetings and other non-desk situations require that people be able to interact at a distance from a display surface. This paper describes a technique using a laser pointer a...
A growing social problem in the U.S., and elsewhere, is supporting older adults who want to continue living independently, as opposed to moving to an institutional care setting. O...
Elizabeth D. Mynatt, Jim Rowan, Sarah Craighill, A...
CARD (Collaborative Analysis of Requirements and Design) is an influential technique for participatory design and participatory analysis that is in use on three continents. This p...
This work explores how the availability of visual and haptic feedback affects the kinematics of reaching performance in a tabletop virtual environment. Eight subjects performed re...
Andrea H. Mason, Masuma A. Walji, Elaine J. Lee, C...
Historically one of the visions for human-computer symbiosis has been to augment human intelligence and extend people's cognitive abilities. In this paper, we present two vis...
Lena Mamykina, Elizabeth D. Mynatt, Michael A. Ter...
In view of the difficulties in evaluating computer pointing devices across different tasks within dynamic and complex systems, new performance measures are needed. This paper prop...
I. Scott MacKenzie, Tatu Kauppinen, Miika Silfverb...