Computing devices can seamlessly recognize one another as they join and leave a wireless network, but users often experience difficulty identifying a desired device from a continu...
Detecting who is looking at whom during multiparty interaction is useful for various tasks such as meeting analysis. There are two contributing factors in the formation of where a...
The physical nature of the classroom means that children are continually divided into small groups. The present study examined collaboration on a story creation task using technol...
Danae Stanton, Victor Bayon, Camilla Abnett, Sue C...
The Special Interest Group on Computer Human Interaction (SIGCHI) has had a successful history of 20 years of growth in its numbers and influence. To help guide the continued evol...
Ben Shneiderman, Stuart K. Card, Donald A. Norman,...
Hunter Gatherer is a tool that lets Web users carry out three main tasks: (1) collect components from within Web pages; (2) represent those components in a collection; and (3) edi...
Monica M. C. Schraefel, Daniel Wigdor, Yuxiang Zhu...
A validated model of trust was used as a framework for an empirical study to identify on- and offline factors that influence gamblers' perception of an online casino's t...
Teenagers comprise a large proportion of our population, and their technology use is a bellwether of future trends. Today's teens are coming of age with the rapid development...
Diane J. Schiano, Coreena P. Chen, Ellen Isaacs, J...
Navigating through new voicemail messages to find messages of interest is a time-consuming task, particularly for high-volume users. When checking messages under a time constraint...
This article investigates how the signaling-mode of electronic glosses in online texts (i.e., presented digitally on a computer screen) influences the user's reading process,...