Our physical environment is increasingly filled with multimedia content on situated, community public displays. We are designing methods for people to post and acquire digital inf...
Scott Carter, Elizabeth F. Churchill, Laurent Deno...
This paper describes the 3Book, a 3D interactive visualization of a codex book as a component for digital library and information-intensive applications. The 3Book is able to repr...
Stuart K. Card, Lichan Hong, Jock D. Mackinlay, Ed...
This paper presents the "bird's-eye-view" of the development and growth of HCI and usability within academia and industry in Russia. The paper also highlights the c...
Ivan Burmistrov, Alexey Kopylov, Platon Dneprovsky...
Banner ads persist on the Internet in spite of evidence against their efficacy. Many ads include animation in an attempt to increase their attentional capture. An experiment was c...
Moira Burke, Nicholas Gorman, Erik Nilsen, Anthony...
Synchronous remote usability studies can be a convenient and cost-effective alternative to conventional local usability studies. Although they are common in the field, there has b...
Panelists with backgrounds in diverse aspects of humanrobot interaction will discuss the challenges of human-robot interaction in terms of operator trust. The panel will showcase ...
David J. Bruemmer, Douglas A. Few, Michael A. Good...
The term immersion is widely used to describe games but it is not clear what immersion is or indeed if people are using the same word consistently. This paper describes work done ...
Persistent online environments, such as multi-player games, exhibit a complex social organisation. These environments often feature large social groupings and elaborate cooperativ...
This paper describes a novel form of display using tactile output. Tactons, or tactile icons, are structured tactile messages that can be used to communicate message to users non-...