
132views more  SCL 2010»
13 years 9 months ago
Convergence in human decision-making dynamics
A class of binary decision-making tasks called the two-alternative forced-choice task has been used extensively in psychology and behavioral economics experiments to investigate h...
Ming Cao, Andrew Reed Stewart, Naomi Ehrich Leonar...
136views Control Systems» more  CDC 2010»
13 years 10 months ago
The role of social feedback in steady-state performance of human decision making for two-alternative choice tasks
With an eye towards design of human-in-the-loop systems, we investigate human decision making in a social context for tasks that require the human to make repeated choices among fi...
Andrew Reed Stewart, Naomi Ehrich Leonard
121views more  TSMC 2002»
14 years 2 months ago
Need to know-information, knowledge, and decision making
Abstract--The success of information and knowledge management depends on understanding and supporting the user's need to know. This requires understanding humans' abiliti...
William B. Rouse
127views more  COGSCI 2006»
14 years 3 months ago
Decision Making and Confidence Given Uncertain Advice
We study human decision making in a simple forced-choice task that manipulates the frequency and accuracy of available information. Empirically, we find that people make decisions...
Michael D. Lee, Matthew J. Dry
14 years 4 months ago
An Expert Systems Approach to Simulating the Human Decision Maker
Many simulation models include elements of human decision making which present some difficulty to the simulation modeller. It is often difficult to determine how a human goes abou...
Stewart Robinson, John S. Edwards, Wu Yongfa
14 years 4 months ago
A Model for Naturalistic Virtual User Simulation
The aim of this study is to present a contribution in the area of human decision modeling. A state of the art from this research area shows the lack of models combining perceptive...
Laurent Bodic, Pierre Favier, Guillaume Calvet