Robust joint visual attention is necessary for achieving a common frame of reference between humans and robots interacting multimodally in order to work together on realworld spat...
This paper describes a usability study designed to assess ease of use, user satisfaction, and performance of a mobile robot mission specification system. The software under consid...
This paper reports on a field trial with interactive humanoid robots at a science museum where visitors are encouraged to study and develop an interest in science. In the trial, ea...
Along with the development of interactive robots, controlled experiments and field trials are regularly conducted to stage human-robot interaction. Experience in this field has sh...
Tijn Kooijmans, Takayuki Kanda, Christoph Bartneck...
We are interested in the problems of a human operator who is responsible for rapidly and accurately responding to requests for help from an autonomous robotic construction team. A...
Brennan Sellner, Laura M. Hiatt, Reid G. Simmons, ...
The design and development of social robots that interact and assist people in daily life requires moving into unconstrained daily-life environments. This presents unexplored meth...
Fumihide Tanaka, Javier R. Movellan, Bret Fortenbe...
As robots enter everyday life and start to interact with ordinary people the question of their appearance becomes increasingly important. A user’s perception of a robot can be s...
Mike Blow, Kerstin Dautenhahn, Andrew Appleby, Chr...
The essence of the signal-to-symbol problem consists of associating a symbolic description of an object (e.g., a chair) to a signal (e.g., an image) that captures the real object....
Manuela M. Veloso, Paul E. Rybski, Felix von Hunde...