Social network sites (SNSs) are bundles of information and communication tools that can be used to support collaboration, among other uses. In a qualitative study of adult Faceboo...
The author proposed three studies (i.e. a large-N survey, a behavioral experiment, and a functional magnetic resonance imaging research) to investigate whether people read icons a...
Many studies have established the difficulties inherent in both cross-cultural and distance communication. Distance work interferes with close collaboration and trust. Physical di...
Medicine, psychology and quality of life literature all point to the importance of not just asking ‘how are you?’, but assessing and being aware of self and others’ well-bei...
The Internet provides a technical platform that can be used by start-ups in every country to launch innovative products for world markets. Yet, most of the successful Internet pro...
While studies have considered computer-mediated decision-making in several domains, few have considered the unique challenges posed in software design. To address this gap, a qual...
Location-Based Services (LBS) are based on a combination of the inherent location information about specific data, and/or the location information supplied by LBS clients, reques...
Wikipedia’s stated mission is to provide a free encyclopedia that people all over the world can use and contribute to. However, while Wikipedia is successful at providing access...