We present deterministic sequences for use in sampling-based approaches to motion planning. They simultaneously combine the qualities found in many other sequences: i) the increme...
This paper proposes a novel path planning algorithm of 3-D articulated robots with moving bases based on a generalized potential field model. The approach computes, similar to th...
Abstract − Autonomous robots need to acquire both omnidirectional view and stereo in real-time without sacrificing too much image resolution. The recent catadioptric omnidirectio...
—We prove a new necessary and sufficient condition for 2D three-finger equilibrium grasps and implement a geometrical algorithm for computing force-closure grasps of polygonal ob...
This paper discusses a design methodology of cooperative trajectory generation for multi-robot systems. The trajectory of achieving cooperative tasks, i.e., with temporal constrai...
- Motion planning is one of the key capabilities for autonomous humanoid robots. Previous researches have focused on weight balancing, collision detection, and gait generation. Mos...
— Robots typically have many sensors which are underutilized. This is usually because no simple mathematical models of the sensors have been developed or the sensors are too nois...
We are developing a network architecture for our novel robot concept of wearable robot. Wearable robots are mobile information devices capable of supporting remote communication a...