Modern processors require highly accurate branch prediction for good performance. As such, a number of branch predictors have been proposed with varying size and complexity. This ...
In the search for high performance, most transactional memory (TM) systems execute atomic blocks concurrently and must thus be prepared for data conflicts. The TM system must then...
This paper presents high-performance collective communication algorithms and implementations that exploit the unique architectural features of the Cell heterogeneous multicore pro...
Data de-duplication has become a commodity component in dataintensive systems and it is required that these systems provide high reliability comparable to others. Unfortunately, b...
Chuanyi Liu, Yu Gu, Linchun Sun, Bin Yan, Dongshen...
Large Multi-Processor Systems-on-Chip use Networks-on-Chip with a high degree of reusability and scalability for message communication. Therefore, network infrastructure is a cruc...
ABSTRACT Because of technology advances power consumption has emerged up as an important design issue in modern high-performance microprocessors. As a consequence, research on redu...
Diana Bautista, Julio Sahuquillo, Houcine Hassan, ...