Traditional algorithms for prime implicate generation [Quine, 1952; McCluskey, 1956; Tison, 1967; Kean and Tsiknis, 1990; de Kleer, 1992] require the input formulas to be first tr...
This paper describes how meta-level theories are used for analytic learning in M U L T I - T A C . M U L T I - T A C operationalizes generic heuristics for constraint-satisfaction...
Our experience in the IDAS natural language generation project has shown us that IDAS'S KLONE-like classifier, originally built solely to hold a domain knowledge base, could ...
These notes discuss formalizing contexts as first class objects. The basic relation is ist(c, p). It asserts that the proposition p is true in the context c. The most important f...
In multi-agent environments where agents independently generate and execute plans to satisfy their goals, the resulting plans may sometimes overlap. In this paper, we propose a co...
Human chess players exhibit a large variation in the amount of time they allocate for each move. Yet, the problem of devising resource allocation strategies for game playing did n...
Many problems can be expressed in terms of a numeric constraint satisfaction problem over finite or continuous domains (numeric CSP). The purpose of this paper is to show that the...
In this paper a framework is developed for measuring the complexities of deductions in an ab stract and computationally perspicuous man ner. As a notion of central importance ...