Since its inception, arti cial intelligence has relied upon a theoretical foundation centred around perfect rationality as the desired property of intelligent systems. We argue, a...
Stuart J. Russell, Devika Subramanian, Ronald Parr
agent-oriented system. We show the complexity to be linear time for one of these logics and polynomial time for another, thus providing encouraging results with respect to the prac...
We study multiple predicate learning in an empirical setting. Problems with existing inductive logic programming approaches in this setting are sketched and an empirical ILP syste...
This paper presents an improved backjumping algonthm for the constraint satisfaction problem, namely conflictdirected backjumping (CBJ). CBJ is then modified such that it can dete...
This paper introduces GSSS (Genetic State-Space Search). The integration of two general search paradigms — genetic search and state-space-search provides a general framework whi...
In multiagent planning, an agent sometimes needs to collaborate with others to construct complex plans, or to accomplish large organizational tasks which it cannot do alone. Since...