One method for reducing the time required for plan generation is to learn search control rules from experience. Most of the recent work in learning search control knowledge has co...
Though arrangement knowledge is well suited for qualitative representations of spatial situations, if we only use this kind of knowledge, we cannot do interesting inferences about...
In this paper we present an average-case analysis of the nearest neighbor algorithm, a simple induction method that has been studied by manyresearchers. Our analysis assumes a con...
Several formalizations of cognitive state that include intentions and beliefs based on normal modal logics (NMLs) have appeared in the recent literature. We argue that NMLs are no...
This paper introduces a new concept, a decision tree (or list) over tree patterns, which is a natural extension of a decision tree (or decision list), for dealing with tree struct...
A student model description language and its synthesis method are presented. The language called SMDL is based on a logic programming language taking 4 truth values such as true, ...
We introduce a new approach to GA (Genetic Algorithms) based problem solving. Earlier GAs did not contain local search (i.e. hill climbing) mechanisms, which led to optimization d...
Hitoshi Iba, Tetsuya Higuchi, Hugo de Garis, Taisu...