
13 years 9 months ago
Refining the Structure of a Stochastic Context-Free Grammar
We present a machine learning algorithm for refining the structure of a stochastic context
Joseph Bockhorst, Mark Craven
13 years 9 months ago
Integrating Expectations from Different Sources to Help End Users Acquire Procedural Knowledge
Role-limiting approaches using explicit theories of problem-solving have been successful for acquiring knowledge from domain experts1 . However most systems using this approach do...
Jim Blythe
13 years 9 months ago
Refining the Basic Constraint Propagation Algorithm
Constraint propagation is the main feature of any constraint solver. This is thus of prime importance to manage constraint propagation as efficiently as possible, justifying the us...
Christian Bessière, Jean-Charles Rég...
13 years 9 months ago
Weakening Conflicting Information for Iterated Revision and Knowledge Integration
The ability to handle exceptions, to perform iterated belief revision and to integrate information from multiple sources are essential skills for an intelligent agent. These impor...
Salem Benferhat, Souhila Kaci, Daniel Le Berre, Ma...
13 years 9 months ago
Learning Iterative Image Reconstruction
Successful image reconstruction requires the recognition of a scene and the generation of a clean image of that scene. We propose to use recurrent neural networks for both analysi...
Sven Behnke
13 years 9 months ago
Backtracking Through Biconnected Components of a Constraint Graph
The algorithm presented here, BCC, is an enhancement of the well known Backtrack used to solve constraint satisfaction problems. Though most backtrack improvements rely on propaga...
Jean-François Baget, Yannic S. Tognetti
13 years 9 months ago
Planning with Resources and Concurrency: A Forward Chaining Approach
Recently tremendous advances have been made in the performance of AI planning systems. However increased performance is only one of the prerequisites for bringing planning into th...
Fahiem Bacchus, Michael Ady
13 years 9 months ago
Computational Complexity of Planning with Temporal Goals
In the last decade, there has been several studies on the computational complexity of planning. These studies normally assume that the goal of planning is to make a certain fluent...
Chitta Baral, Vladik Kreinovich, Raul Trejo
13 years 9 months ago
Usability Guidelines for Interactive Search in Direct Manipulation Systems
As AI systems make their way into the mainstream of interactive applications, usability becomes an increasingly important factor in their success. A wide range of user interface d...
Robert St. Amant, Christopher G. Healey