
13 years 8 months ago
On-Line Execution of cc-Golog Plans
Previously, the plan language cc-Golog was introduced for the purpose of specifying event-driven behavior typically found in robot controllers. So far, however, cc-Golog is usable...
Henrik Grosskreutz, Gerhard Lakemeyer
13 years 8 months ago
Causal interaction: from a high-level representation to an operational event-based representation
We propose to extend the temporal causal graph formalisms used in model-based diagnosis in order to deal with non trivial interactions like (partial) cancellation of fault effects...
Irène Grosclaude, Marie-Odile Cordier, Rene...
13 years 8 months ago
Backjumping for Quantified Boolean Logic Satisfiability
The implementation of effective reasoning tools for deciding the satisfiability of Quantified Boolean Formulas (QBFs) is an important research issue in Artificial Intelligence. Ma...
Enrico Giunchiglia, Massimo Narizzano, Armando Tac...
13 years 8 months ago
Learning Procedural Knowledge to Better Coordinate
A fundamental difficulty faced by groups of agents that work together is how to efficiently coordinate their efforts. This paper presents techniques that allow heterogeneous agent...
Andrew Garland, Richard Alterman
13 years 8 months ago
Reasoning about Categories in Conceptual Spaces
Understanding the process of categorization is a primary research goal in artificial intelligence. The conceptual space framework provides a flexible approach to modeling context-...
Peter Gärdenfors, Mary-Anne Williams
13 years 8 months ago
Solving Non-Boolean Satisfiability Problems with Stochastic Local Search
Much excitement has been generated by the success of stochastic local search procedures at finding solutions to large, very hard satisfiability problems. Many of the problems on wh...
Alan M. Frisch, Timothy J. Peugniez
13 years 8 months ago
A Framework for Declarative Update Specifications in Logic Programs
Recently, several approaches for updating knowledge bases represented as logic programs have been proposed. In this paper, we present a generic framework for declarative specifica...
Thomas Eiter, Michael Fink, Giuliana Sabbatini, Ha...