In this paper, we present a method for finding the closed form solutions to the problem of determining the pose of a camera with respect to a given set of parallel lines in 3D spac...
An object-based compression scheme for a class of dynamic image-based representations called "plenoptic videos" (PVs) is studied in this paper. PVs are simplified dynami...
Qing Wu, King To Ng, Shing-Chow Chan, Heung-Yeung ...
The diversity of end-terminal and access network capabilities as well as the dynamic nature of wireless connections pose significant challenges to providers of multimedia streamin...
Andreas Hutter, Peter Amon, G. Panis, Eric Delfoss...
Magnetic Resonance (MR) images often exhibit grayscale nonuniformities, caused by radio frequency (RF) coil design or acquisition sequences. Many algorithms to remove these nonuni...
Tracking multiple people in a dynamic environment is important in many applications. Recent research in this area has focused either on geometric analysis or appearance models. In...
A joint source channel coding scheme for error resilient image transmission is proposed. A practical image coder was introduced in [1] using modified Differential Pulse Coded Modu...
Anna N. Kim, Stefania Sesia, Tor A. Ramstad, Giuse...
We provide a new comparison between hexagonal and orthogonal lattices, based on approximation theory. For each of the lattices, we select the "natural" spline basis func...
Sequential importance sampling (SIS), also known as particle filtering, has drawn increasing attention recently due to its superior performance in nonlinear and non-Gaussian dynam...
Yan Zhai, Mark B. Yeary, Joseph P. Havlicek, Jean-...
In this paper, we investigate the use of discriminant techniques in the elastic graph matching (EGM) algorithm. First we use discriminant analysis in the feature vectors of the no...
Stefanos Zafeiriou, Anastasios Tefas, Ioannis Pita...
Multiple Description coding has been recently proposed for images and video transmission in packet erasure channels because of its good loss recovery capability. In this paper, we...