The spine of an object is an entity that can characterise the object’s topology and describes the object by a lower dimension. It has an intuitive appeal for supporting geometric...
In this paper we describe a new shape-from-shading method. We show how the parallel transport of surface normals can be used to impose curvature consistency and also to iterativel...
This paper describes a graph-spectral method for 3D surface integration. The algorithm takes as its input a 2D field of surface normal estimates, delivered, for instance, by a sh...
Watermarking is to embed a structure called a watermark into the target data such as images. The watermark can be used, for example, in order to secure the copyright and detect tam...
We define a parameterization for an n-holed tori based on the hyperbolic polygon. We model the domain using a manifold with 2n+ 2 charts, and linear fractional transformations for...