

A Graph-Spectral Method for Surface Height Recovery

14 years 3 months ago
A Graph-Spectral Method for Surface Height Recovery
This paper describes a graph-spectral method for 3D surface integration. The algorithm takes as its input a 2D field of surface normal estimates, delivered, for instance, by a shape-from-shading or shape-from-texture procedure. We commence by using the surface normals to obtain an affinity weight matrix whose elements are related to the surface curvature. The weight matrix is used to compute a row-normalized transition probability matrix, and we pose the recovery of the integration path as that of finding the steady-state random walk for the Markov chain defined by this matrix. The steady-state random walk is given by the leading eigenvector of the original affinity weight matrix. By threading the surface normals together along the path specified by the magnitude order of the components of the leading eigenvector we perform surface integration. The height increments along the path are simply related to the traversed path length and the slope of the local tangent plane. The metho...
Antonio Robles-Kelly, Edwin R. Hancock
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Antonio Robles-Kelly, Edwin R. Hancock
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