This paper explores the use of two complementary approaches, each stemming from Personal Construct Theory (PCT), to investigate the interdependence of organizations and informatio...
Laurence Brooks, Christopher J. Davis, Mark Lycett
Recent advances in technical capabilities have facilitated an increase in the reach and range of the connectivity of Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs). It is prop...
This paper reports a longitudinal study of the design and implementation of a Web-based groupware application. We studied the development of three versions of the application, and...
Software Process Improvement (SPI) has been widely adopted by software organizations to enhance their capability to effectively deliver quality software. The approach has several ...
Discursive-based analysis of organizations is not new in the field of interpretive social studies. Since not long ago have information systems (IS) studies also shown a keen inter...
Systems development is a very complex process, which requires disciplined methodological approaches. While there are many arguments underpinning the use of systems development met...
Assuming a rational perspective, the adoption and development of a new organisational technology can be viewed as a way to achieve an higher level of efficiency by finding the bes...
Flavia Blumetti, Paolo Ferri, Cristiano Ghiringhel...
Both Knowledge Management and Appreciative Inquiry attempt to amplify human and organizational capacities by leveraging the best of each. Whereas knowledge management systems aim ...
The implementation of technology and, in particular, eCommerce technologies has had unforeseen consequences for the relationship between managers and employees. To be able to oper...
Yvette Blount, Tanya Castleman, Paula M. C. Swatma...