We present the design and analysis of an approximately incentive-compatible combinatorial auction. In just a single run, the auction is able to extract enough value information fr...
We consider a very natural problem concerned with game manipulation. Let G be a directed graph where the nodes represent players of a game, and an edge from u to v means that u ca...
Relational Markov Decision Processes (MDP) are a useraction for stochastic planning problems since one can develop abstract solutions for them that are independent of domain size ...
Partially-observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs) provide a powerful model for sequential decision-making problems with partially-observed state and are known to have (appro...
With the increasing popularity of location tracking services such as GPS, more and more mobile data are being accumulated. Based on such data, a potentially useful service is to m...
Vincent Wenchen Zheng, Bin Cao, Yu Zheng, Xing Xie...
The problem of dividing a sequence of values into segments occurs in database systems, information retrieval, and knowledge management. The challenge is to select a finite number ...
Policy search is a successful approach to reinforcement learning. However, policy improvements often result in the loss of information. Hence, it has been marred by premature conv...
We introduce a new method to find semantic inconsistencies (i.e., concepts with erroneous synonymity) in the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS). The idea is to identify the in...
We study the distributed allocation of tasks to cooperating robots in real time, where each task has to be assigned to exactly one robot so that the sum of the latencies of all ta...
The depth first proof number search (df-pn) is an effective and popular algorithm for solving and-or tree problems by using proof and disproof numbers. This paper presents a simpl...