Background: The rapid growth of protein interactome data has elevated the necessity and importance of network analysis tools. However, unlike pure text data, network search spaces...
Aaron N. Chang, Jason McDermott, Zachary Frazier, ...
Background: The systematic analysis of protein-protein interactions can enable a better understanding of cellular organization, processes and functions. Functional modules can be ...
Overhearing is an indirect interaction type that enacts agents to listen to direct interactions among other agents without taking explicit part in the exchanges. In this paper, we ...
Publicly-available data sets provide detailed and large-scale information on multiple types of molecular interaction networks in a number of model organisms. These multi-modal univ...
In this paper we study the identification of sparse interaction networks as a machine learning problem. Sparsity means that we are provided with a small data set and a high number...
Goele Hollanders, Geert Jan Bex, Marc Gyssens, Ron...