Accurate performance predictions are difficult to achieve for parallel applications executing on production distributed systems. Conventional point-valued performance parameters a...
We show how the traditional protocol stack, such as TCP/IP, can be eliminated for socket based high speed communication within a cluster. The SCI shared memory interconnect is used...
Parallel programming on distributed memory systems is one of the most challenging research areas in parallel computingtoday. Objectbased parallel programming languages are an impor...
Predicting the running time of a parallel program is useful for determining the optimal values for the parameters of the implementation and the optimal mapping of data on processo...
1 The communication cost plays a key role in the performance of many parallel algorithms. In the particular case of the one-sided Jacobi method for symmetric eigenvalue and eigenve...
We propose a periodic diagnostic algorithm based on the testing model of computation for real-time systems. The diagnostic task runs on every processor of the system. When the task...