This work deals with the scheduling problem of a directed acyclic graph with interprocessor communication delays. The objective is to minimize the makespan, taking into account the...
An effort to formalize the process of software pipelining loops with conditions is presented in this paper. A formal framework for scheduling such loops, based on representing set...
The paper presents the design of a hardware genetic algorithm which uses a pipeline of systolic arrays. Demostrated is the design methodology, where a simple genetic algorithm exp...
We have developed a programming model that integrates concurrency with object-based programming. The model includes features for object definition and instantiation, and it support...
We evaluate two techniques to implement concurrent events in a group communication service. This evaluation is based on a comparison of the performance measured from two different...
Abstract. We describe a group membership protocol, called the timewheel group membership protocol, for a timed asynchronous distributed system. This protocol is a part of the timew...
Parallel programming continues to be difficult and error-prone, whether starting from specifications or from an existing sequential program. This paper presents (1) a methodology f...