
82views more  JCB 2008»
13 years 11 months ago
Determining Nucleolar Association from Sequence by Leveraging Protein-Protein Interactions
Controlled intra-nuclear organisation of proteins is critical for sustaining correct function of the cell. Proteins and RNA are transported by passive diffusion and associate with...
Mikael Bodén, Rohan D. Teasdale
111views more  JCB 2008»
14 years 2 days ago
Sorting Genomes with Centromeres by Translocations
A centromere is a special region in the chromosome that plays a vital role during cell division. Every new chromosome created by a genome rearrangement event must have a centromer...
Michal Ozery-Flato, Ron Shamir
215views more  JCB 2006»
14 years 16 days ago
Protein Fold Recognition Using Segmentation Conditional Random Fields (SCRFs)
Protein fold recognition is an important step towards understanding protein three-dimensional structures and their functions. A conditional graphical model, i.e., segmentation con...
Yan Liu 0002, Jaime G. Carbonell, Peter Weigele, V...
129views more  JCB 2006»
14 years 16 days ago
GenRate: A Generative Model that Reveals Novel Transcripts in Genome-Tiling Microarray Data
Genome-wide microarray designs containing millions to hundreds of millions of probes are available for a variety of mammals, including mouse and human. These genome tiling arrays ...
Brendan J. Frey, Quaid Morris, Timothy R. Hughes
83views more  JCB 2006»
14 years 16 days ago
Detecting Conserved Interaction Patterns in Biological Networks
Mehmet Koyutürk, Yohan Kim, Shankar Subramani...
129views more  JCB 2006»
14 years 16 days ago
Towards an Integrated Protein-Protein Interaction Network: A Relational Markov Network Approach
Ariel Jaimovich, Gal Elidan, Hanah Margalit, Nir F...
91views more  JCB 2006»
14 years 16 days ago
Reverse Engineering Discrete Dynamical Systems from Data Sets with Random Input Vectors
Recently a new algorithm for reverse engineering of biochemical networks was developed by Laubenbacher and Stigler. It is based on methods from computational algebra and finds mos...
Winfried Just
79views more  JCB 2006»
14 years 16 days ago
A Stability Boundary Based Method for Finding Saddle Points on Potential Energy Surfaces
The task of finding saddle points on potential energy surfaces plays a crucial role in understanding the dynamics of a micromolecule as well as in studying the folding pathways of...
Chandan K. Reddy, Hsiao-Dong Chiang
126views more  JCB 2006»
14 years 16 days ago
Combinatorics of Saturated Secondary Structures of RNA
Following Zuker (1986), a saturated secondary structure for a given RNA sequence is a secondary structure such that no base pair can be added without violating the definition of s...
P. Clote