
96views more  JCT 2008»
14 years 24 days ago
Asymptotic enumeration of dense 0-1 matrices with specified line sums
Let s = (s1, s2, . . . , sm) and t = (t1, t2, . . . , tn) be vectors of non-negative integers with m i=1 si = n j=1 tj. Let B(s, t) be the number of m
E. Rodney Canfield, Catherine S. Greenhill, Brenda...
70views more  JCT 2008»
14 years 24 days ago
The number of possibilities for random dating
Let G be a regular graph and H a subgraph on the same vertex set. We give surprisingly compact formulas for the number of copies of H one expects to find in a random subgraph of G...
Aaron Abrams, Rod Canfield, Andrew Granville
85views more  JCT 2008»
14 years 24 days ago
A bound on the size of separating hash families
Simon R. Blackburn, Tuvi Etzion, Douglas R. Stinso...