Let M denote the Laplacian matrix of a graph G. Associated with G is a finite group (G), obtained from the Smith normal form of M, and whose order is the number of spanning trees o...
We consider the question of characterizing Pfaffian graphs. We exhibit an infinite family of non-Pfaffian graphs minimal with respect to the matching minor relation. This is in sha...
The aim of this article is to link Schubert varieties in the flag manifold with hyperplane arrangements. For a permutation, we construct a certain graphical hyperplane arrangement....
The absolute order is a natural partial order on a Coxeter group W. It can be viewed as an analogue of the weak order on W in which the role of the generating set of simple reflec...
We study a discrete optimization problem introduced by Babai, Frankl, Kutin, and Stefankovic (2001), which provides bounds on degrees of polynomials with p-adically controlled beh...