The old well-known result of Chartrand, Kaugars and Lick [1] says that every k-connected graph G with minimum degree at least 3k/2 has a vertex v such that G - v is still k-connec...
Counting labelled planar graphs, and typical properties of random labelled planar graphs, have received much attention recently. We start the process here of extending these invest...
The number of partitions of n into parts divisible by a or b equals the number of partitions of n in which each part and each difference of two parts is expressible as a non-negati...
A three-dimensional analogue of the classical direction problem is proposed and an asymptotically sharp bound for the number of directions determined by a nonplanar set in AG(3, p)...
ing subgroups of Coxeter groups (Extended Abstract) Francesco Brenti, Victor Reiner, and Yuval Roichman Abstract. We explore combinatorial consequences of a simple presentation due...