Cognitive scientists and developmental psychologists have suggested that development in perceptual, motor and memory functions of human infants as well as adaptive evaluation by ca...
Joint attention is one of the most important cognitive functions for the emergence of communication not only between humans but also between humans and robots. In the previous wor...
Typically, multi-agent models for studying the evolution of perceptually grounded lexicons assume that agents perceive the same set of objects, and that there is either joint atten...
— To realize natural human-robot interactions and investigate the developmental mechanism of human communication, an effective approach is to construct models by which a robot im...
Abstract—This paper elaborates on mechanisms for establishing visual joint attention for the design of robotic agents that learn through natural interfaces, following a developme...
Abstract—Joint attention – the idea that humans make inferences from observable behaviors of other humans by attending to the objects and events that these others humans attend...