A EU-funded project GeoPKDD develops methods and tools for analysis of massive collections of movement data, which describe changes of spatial positions of discrete entities. Withi...
This paper describes a spatio-temporal configurations building approach, which has been applied to dynamics points in 1-dimensional space. In this approach, a temporal logic, Allen...
Abstract. Analysing human behavior is a key step in smart home applications. Many reasoning approaches utilize information of location and posture of the occupant in qualitative as...
In this paper we present a continuous 24 hour data collection and a semi automated data analysis of laboratory mice in a spacious indoor environment. The data is collected via an R...
Mareike Kritzler, Lars Lewejohann, Antonio Krü...
General action languages, like e.g. the Situation Calculus, use full classical logic to represent knowledge of actions and their effects in dynamic domains. Description Logics, on...
Abstract. We provide an interactive method for knowledge acquisition combining approaches from description logic and formal concept analysis. Based on present data, hypothetical ru...
Abstract. The aim of this paper is to present a formal semantics inspired by the notion of Mental Imagery, largely researched in Cognitive Science and Experimental Psychology, that...
We introduce a novel stochastic local search algorithm for the vertex cover problem. Compared to current exhaustive search techniques, our algorithm achieves excellent performance ...
Abstract. Interaction means to share a communicative space with others. Social interactions are reciprocally-oriented activities among currently present partners. An artificial sy...