When time is incorporated in the specification of discrete systems, the complexity of verification grows exponentially. When the temporal behavior is specified with symbols, the ve...
We give an AC0 upper bound on the complexity of rst-oder queries over (in nite) databases de ned by restricted linear constraints. This result enables us to deduce the non-expressi...
This paper presents a transmission-constrained unit commitment method using a Lagrangian relaxation approach. Based on a DC power flow model, the transmission constraints are form...
Chung-Li Tseng, Shmuel S. Oren, C. S. Cheng, C.-A....
Model checking based on the causal partial order semantics of Petri nets is an approach widely applied to cope with the state space explosion problem. One of the ways to exploit su...
Abstract. We present a method which computes optimized representations for non-convex polyhedra. Our method detects so-called redundant linear constraints in these representations ...
Christoph Scholl, Stefan Disch, Florian Pigorsch, ...
For many problems there is only suf£cient prior information for a Bayesian decision maker to identify a class of possible prior distributions. In such cases it is of interest to ...
Linear constraints occur naturally in many reasoning problems and the information that they represent is often uncertain. There is a difficulty in applying many AI uncertainty for...
Abstract. Information usually has many sources and is often incomplete and / or uncertain, this leads to many inconsistencies. Revision is the operation which consists in identifyi...
Information often comes from different sources and merging these sources usually leads to apparition of inconsistencies. Fusion is the operation which consists in restoring the co...
We present a method for propagating linear constraints. Our technique exploits the fact that the interior point method converges on a central point of the polytope. A variable assi...