Several justification logics have been created, starting with the logic LP, [1]. These can be thought of as explicit versions of modal logics, or of logics of knowledge or belief,...
Prominent logics, including quantified multimodal logics, can be elegantly embedded in simple type theory (classical higher-order logic). Furthermore, off-the-shelf reasoning syste...
We present a technique for higher-order representation of substructural logics such as linear or modal logic. We show that such logics can be encoded in the (ordinary) Logical Fra...
We slightly improve on characterization results already in the literature for base revision. We show that in order to axiomatically characterize revision operators in a logic the o...
We present the logic CTL.STIT, which is the join of the logic CTL with a multi-agent strategic stit-logic variant. CTL.STIT subsumes ATL, and adds expressivity to it that we claim...
Many problems in AI and multi-agent systems research are most naturally formulated in terms of the abilities of a coalition of agents. There exist several excellent logical tools ...
Natasha Alechina, Brian Logan, Nguyen Hoang Nga, A...
We introduce and use a new methodology for the study of logics for action and change. The methodology allows one to define a taxonomy of reasoning problems, based in particular on...
Epistemic and doxastic modal logics (Hintikka [1962]), and the logics of theory change and belief revision (Alchourr6net. al. [1985], Giirdenfors [1988]) are used for the represen...
The evolution of Description Logics (DLs) and Propositional Dynamic Logics produced a hierar chy of decidable logics with multiple maximal el ements. It would be desirable to ...
Simple type theory is suited as framework for combining classical and non-classical logics. This claim is based on the observation that various prominent logics, including (quantif...