We present a translation from a logic of access control with a "says" operator to the classical modal logic S4. We prove that the translation is sound and complete. We al...
We study the expressive power of the logics EF + F-1 , 2 and boolean combinations of 1 over ranked trees. In particular, we provide effective characterizations of those three logic...
Service-oriented architecture (SOA) is a relatively new approach to software system development. It divides system functionality to independent, loosely coupled, interoperable ser...
Alexander Knapp, Grzegorz Marczynski, Martin Wirsi...
The `Cooperation Logic of Propositional Control', cl-pc, of van der Hoek and Wooldridge is a logic for reasoning about the ability of agents and groups of agents to obtain a ...
Possibilistic logic provides a convenient tool for dealing with inconsistency and handling uncertainty. In this paper, we propose possibilistic description logics (DLs) as an exten...
Over the past half decade, we have been exploring the use of logic in the specification and analysis of computational economic mechanisms. We believe that this approach has the p...
We present a logic for reasoning both about the ability of agents to cooperate to execute complex actions, and how this relates to their ability to reach certain states of affairs...
Luigi Sauro, Jelle Gerbrandy, Wiebe van der Hoek, ...
We present a class of polymodal logics for which the set of terms indexing the modal connectives can be hierarchized in two levels: the set of Boolean terms and the set of terms b...
In this paper, we introduce decidable multimodal logics to describe and reason about navigation across object structures. The starting point of these navigation logics is the model...
Maximality is a desirable property of paraconsistent logics, motivated by the aspiration to tolerate inconsistencies, but at the same time retain from classical logic as much as p...