Abstract. We investigate the extension of modal logics by bisimulation quantifiers and present a class of modal logics which is decidable when augmented with bisimulation quanti...
Abstract. The emerging technology of interacting systems calls for new forto ensure their reliability. Concurrent games are paradigmatic abstract models for which several logics ha...
Memory logics are modal logics whose semantics is specified in terms of relational models enriched with additional data structure to represent memory. The logical language is then...
The admissible rules of a logic are those rules under which the set of theorems of the logic is closed. In a previous paper by the authors, formal systems for deriving the admissib...
We introduce a Hoare logic for higher-order functional languages with control operators such as callcc. The key idea is to build the assertion language and proof rules around an e...
The paper provides a recipe for adequately representing a very inclusive class of finite-valued logics by way of tableaux. The only requisite for applying the method is that the o...
—We introduce extensions of first-order logic (FO) and fixed-point logic (FP) with operators that compute the rank of a definable matrix. These operators are generalizations o...
Anuj Dawar, Martin Grohe, Bjarki Holm, Bastian Lau...
—This paper presents various semantic interpretations for logics of knowledge and time with prefect recall. We allow both past and future operators and examine the interpretation...
Deciding whether a modal formula is satisfiable with respect to a given set of (global) assumptions is a question of fundamental importance in applications of logic in computer sc...