A lower bound on the minimum mean-squared error (MSE) in a Bayesian estimation problem is proposed in this paper. This bound utilizes a well-known connection to the deterministic e...
We consider the problem of deterministic broadcasting in radio networks when the nodes have limited knowledge about the topology of the network. We show that for every determinist...
Concurrent reachability games is a class of games heavily studied by the computer science community, in particular by the formal methods community. Two standard algorithms for app...
A polynomial identity testing algorithm must determine whether an input polynomial (given for instance by an arithmetic circuit) is identically equal to 0. In this paper, we show ...
Abstract--We establish a lower bound on the noncoherent capacity pre-log of a temporally correlated Rayleigh block-fading single-input multiple-output (SIMO) channel. Surprisingly,...
Veniamin I. Morgenshtern, Giuseppe Durisi, Helmut ...
We investigate the multipath fading relay channel in the limit of a large bandwidth, and in the non-coherent setting, where the channel state is unknown to all terminals, including...
An analog source is to be transmitted across a Gaussian channel in more than one channel use per source symbol. This paper derives a lower bound on the asymptotic mean squared erro...
The problem of target localization involves estimating the position of a target from multiple and typically noisy measurements of the target position. It is well known that the re...
Adrian N. Bishop, Baris Fidan, Brian D. O. Anderso...
In this note, we obtain a lower bound for the distance between the pseudospectrum of a matrix polynomial and a given point that lies out of it, generalizing a known result on pseu...
We give an exponential lower bound on number of proof-lines in intuitionistic propositional logic, IL, axiomatised in the usual Frege-style fashion; i.e., we give an example of IL...