We consider wait-free implementations of a regular read/ write register for unauthenticated data using a collection of 3t + k base objects, t of which can be subject to Byzantine ...
The Valued (VCSP) framework is a generic optimization framework with a wide range of applications. Soft arc consistency operations transform a VCSP into an equivalent problem by s...
Abstract. Inapproximability results concerning minimization of nondeterministic finite automata relative to given deterministic finite automata were obtained only recently, modul...
In this paper we show how to construct in 2 rounds a line-rigid point placement graph of size 4n/3+O(1) from small graphs called 6:6 jewels, an extension of the 4:4 jewel of [3]. ...
We consider the question: What is the maximum flow achievable in a network if the flow must be decomposable into a collection of edgedisjoint paths? Equivalently, we wish to find a...
The problem of converting deterministic finite automata into (short) regular expressions is considered. It is known that the required expression size is 2(n) in the worst case for ...
Abstract. We consider the problem of encoding a graph with n vertices and m edges compactly supporting adjacency, neighborhood and degree queries in constant time in the log n-bit ...
We present upper and lower bounds for the number of iterations performed by the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm. This algorithm has been proposed by Besl and McKay [4] as ...
Abstract-- A network of nodes communicate via noisy channels. Each node has some real-valued initial measurement or message. The goal of each of the nodes is to acquire an estimate...
The concept of Interchangeability was developed to deal with redundancy of values in the same domain. Conventional algorithms for detecting Neighborhood Interchangeability work by ...