Abstract. We consider switched systems on Banach and Hilbert spaces governed by strongly continuous one-parameter semigroups of linear evolution operators. We provide necessary and...
The problem of integrator forwarding is revisited using the notion of dynamically scaled (control) Lyapunov function. A new class of dynamic stabilizing control laws is presented, ...
The purpose of this contribution is twofold: 1) to present for the first time a Lyapunov function that proves exponential ergodicity of a process studied by the authors in [1], whe...
We consider networks of input-to-state dynamically stable (ISDS) systems and use a small-gain condition to assure the ISDS property for their interconnection. Under this small-gai...
Counterexamples are given which show that a linear switched system (with controlled switching) that can be stabilized by means of a suitable switching law does not necessarily admi...
In this paper, the multiagent coordination problem is studied. This problem is addressed for a class of robots for which control Lyapunov functions can be found. The main result is...
Given a locally defined, nondifferentiable but Lipschitz Lyapunov function, we construct a (discontinuous) feedback law which stabilizes the underlying system to any given toleran...
F. H. Clarke, Yu. S. Ledyaev, L. Rifford, R. J. St...
In this paper we present various algorithms both for stability and performance analysis of discrete-time Piece-Wise Affine (PWA) systems. For stability, different classes of Lyapu...
Giancarlo Ferrari-Trecate, Francesco Alessandro Cu...
We explicitly construct global strict Lyapunov functions for rapidly time-varying nonlinear control systems. The Lyapunov functions we construct are expressed in terms of oftentim...
This paper presents a new supervisory control scheme, which is based on a control-relevant switching logic. Unlike most of the existing switching methods considering only estimato...