
14 years 1 months ago
Text Categorization Models for Identifying Unproven Cancer Treatments on the Web
The nature of the internet as a non-peer-reviewed (and more generally largely unregulated) publication medium has allowed wide-spread promotion of inaccurate and unproven medical ...
Yin Aphinyanaphongs, Constantin F. Aliferis
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14 years 1 months ago
Comparing Decision Support Methodologies for Identifying Asthma Exacerbations
Objective: To apply and compare common machine learning techniques with an expert-built Bayesian Network to determine eligibility for asthma guidelines in pediatric emergency depa...
Judith W. Dexheimer, Laura E. Brown, Jeffrey Leego...
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14 years 1 months ago
Lessons Learned from Cross-Validating Alignments between Large Anatomical Ontologies
Objectives: To compare the alignments of two large anatomical ontologies (the Foundational Model of Anatomy and GALEN) produced by three ontology alignment systems (AOAS, FALCON a...
Songmao Zhang, Olivier Bodenreider
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14 years 1 months ago
Automatic Treatment of Temporal Issues in Clinical Guidelines in the GLARE System
Temporal constraints play a fundamental role in clinical guidelines. For example, temporal indeterminacy, constraints about duration, delays between actions and periodic repetitio...
Luca Anselma, Paolo Terenziani, Stefania Montani, ...
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14 years 1 months ago
The Molecular Medicine Informatics Model (MMIM)
In 2005, a major collaboration in Melbourne Australia successfully completed implementing a major medical informatics infrastructure – this is now being used for discovery resear...
Marienne Hibbert, Peter Gibbs, Terence O'brien, Pe...
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14 years 1 months ago
Knowledge Zone: A Public Repository of Peer-Reviewed Biomedical Ontologies
Reuse of ontologies is important for achieving better interoperability among health systems and relieving knowledge engineers from the burden of developing ontologies from scratch...
Kaustubh Supekar, Daniel L. Rubin, Natasha F. Noy,...
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14 years 1 months ago
Defining Medical Words: Transposing Morphosemantic Analysis from French to English
Medical language, as many technical languages, is rich with morphologically complex words, many of which take their roots in Greek and Latin—in which case they are called neocla...
Louise Deléger, Fiammetta Namer, Pierre Zwe...
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14 years 1 months ago
Utilizing SELinux to Mandate Ultra-secure Access Control of Medical Records
Ongoing concerns have been raised over the effectiveness of information technology products and systems in maintaining privacy protection for sensitive data. The aim is to ensure ...
Peter R. Croll, Matthew Henricksen, William J. Cae...
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14 years 1 months ago
Experiments with Hierarchical Concept-Based Search
Many digital libraries use hierarchical indexing schema, such as MeSH to enable concept based search in the retrieval phase. However, improving or outperforming the traditional fu...
Robert Moskovitch, Roee Sa'adon, Eytan Behiri, Sus...
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14 years 1 months ago
Framework for Clinical Data Standardization Based on Archetypes
Standardization of data is a prerequisite to achieve semantic interoperability in any domain. This is even more important in the healthcare sector where the need for exchanging he...
José Alberto Maldonado, David Moner, Diego ...