The growing complexity of hardware optimizations employed by multiprocessors leads to subtle distinctions among allowed and disallowed behaviors, posing challenges in specifying th...
Sela Mador-Haim, Luc Maranget, Susmit Sarkar, Kayv...
Memory consistency litmus tests are small parallel programs that are designed to illustrate subtle differences between memory consistency models by exhibiting different outcomes...
This paper discusses four store-based concrete memory models. We characterize memory models by the class of pointers they support and whether they use numerical or symbolic offset...
Abstract. Memory models of shared memory concurrent programs define the values a read of a shared memory location is allowed to see. Such memory models are typically weaker than t...
We propose a learning algorithm for a variable memory length Markov process. Human communication, whether given as text, handwriting, or speech, has multi characteristic time scal...
We present a computation-centric theory of memory models. Unlike traditional processor-centric models, computation-centric models focus on the logical dependencies among instructi...
The behavior of Distributed Shared Memory Systems is dictated by the Memory Consistency Model. Several Memory Consistency Models have been proposed in the literature and they fit ...
Transactional memory (TM) has shown potential to simplify the task of writing concurrent programs. Inspired by classical work on databases, formal definitions of the semantics of...
Rachid Guerraoui, Thomas A. Henzinger, Michal Kapa...
We present a novel framework for defining memory models in terms of two properties: thread-local Instruction Reordering axioms and Store Atomicity, which describes inter-thread c...
The problem of locally transforming or translating programs without altering their semantics is central to the construction of correct compilers. For concurrent shared-memory progr...
Sebastian Burckhardt, Madanlal Musuvathi, Vasu Sin...