
125views more  BMCBI 2007»
14 years 3 months ago
Bayesian meta-analysis models for microarray data: a comparative study
Background: With the growing abundance of microarray data, statistical methods are increasingly needed to integrate results across studies. Two common approaches for meta-analysis...
Erin M. Conlon, Joon J. Song, Anna Liu
125views more  BMCBI 2010»
14 years 3 months ago
Asymmetric microarray data produces gene lists highly predictive of research literature on multiple cancer types
Background: Much of the public access cancer microarray data is asymmetric, belonging to datasets containing no samples from normal tissue. Asymmetric data cannot be used in stand...
Noor B. Dawany, Aydin Tozeren
94views more  BMCBI 2010»
14 years 3 months ago
Comparison study of microarray meta-analysis methods
Background: Meta-analysis methods exist for combining multiple microarray datasets. However, there are a wide range of issues associated with microarray meta-analysis and a limite...
Anna Campain, Yee Hwa Yang
105views more  BMCBI 2010»
14 years 3 months ago
GWAMA: software for genome-wide association meta-analysis
Background: Despite the recent success of genome-wide association studies in identifying novel loci contributing effects to complex human traits, such as type 2 diabetes and obesi...
Reedik Mägi, Andrew P. Morris
180views Fuzzy Logic» more  EUSFLAT 2001»
14 years 4 months ago
Fuzzy approach to meta-analysis
Meta-analysis is a statistical procedure to do syntheses of evidences. In the production of scientific knowledge, in spite of paradigmatic skips of quality, the rising of the accu...
Paulo Alfonso Bracarense Costa, Rogério Cid...
14 years 4 months ago
Heuristics for information visualization evaluation
Heuristic evaluation is a well known discount evaluation technique in HCI but has not been utilized in Information Visualization (InfoVis) to the same extent. While several sets o...
Torre Zuk, Lothar Schlesier, Petra Neumann, Mark S...