Pointing is a natural way of communicating. Children in all cultures use pointing inherently. Attaching tags to our environment enables interaction by pointing. Visual tags are a g...
Abstract. Devices like PDAs, mobile phones and Smartcards can communicate with each other and to exchange information and they should be made mutually aware of each other. For priv...
Locating physical items is a highly relevant application addressed by numerous systems. Many of these systems share the drawback that costly infrastructure must be installed before...
Christian Frank, Philipp Bolliger, Christof Rodune...
Mobile phone users have to deal with limited battery lifetime through a reciprocal process we call human-battery interaction (HBI). We conducted three user studies in order to und...
Conversation partners on mobile phones can align their walking gait without physical proximity or visual feedback. We investigate gait synchronization, measured by accelerometers ...
Roderick Murray-Smith, Andrew Ramsay, Simon Garrod...
Mobile phones are being increasingly equipped with sensors that ease retrieval of context information about a user. Context data can be aggregated with information centrally avail...
Laurent-Walter Goix, Massimo Valla, Laura Cerami, ...
Mobile phones have two sensors: a camera and a microphone. The widespread and ubiquitous nature of mobile phones around the world makes it attractive to build a large-scale sensor...
Abstract. This paper proposes a door access control system with mobile phones which allows off-line delegations of an access. A model of door access control with mobile phones is ...
: The Internet has recovered from the dot-com crash of the early 2000’s and now features an abundance of new, innovative technologies and services. We are also witnessing the eme...
Our research group found that zoological garden is a resourceful place for learning by experience, so that we set “ZOO PROJECT” that aims at reconstructing learning environmen...