—More and more processor manufacturers have launched embedded multicore processors for consumer electronics products because such processors provide high performance and low powe...
The management of shared caches in multicore processors is a critical and challenging task. Many hardware and OS-based methods have been proposed. However, they may be hardly adop...
Modern multicore processors, such as the Cell Broadband Engine, achieve high performance by equipping accelerator cores with small “scratchpad” memories. The price for increase...
Alastair F. Donaldson, Daniel Kroening, Philipp R&...
Asymmetric multicore processors (AMP) consist of cores exposing the same instruction-set architecture (ISA) but varying in size, frequency, power consumption and performance. AMPs...
Computational complexity has been the primary challenge of many VLSI CAD applications. The emerging multicore and manycore microprocessors have the potential to offer scalable perf...