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Abstract A monic Jacobi matrix is a tridiagonal matrix which contains the parameters of the three-term recurrence relation satisfied by the sequence of monic polynomials orthogonal...
Solving systems of nonlinear equations is a relatively complicated problem for which a number of different approaches have been proposed. In this paper, we employ the Homotopy Anal...
In this paper we propose a new framework for designing a delay differential equation (DDE) solver which works with any supplied initial value problem (IVP) solver that is based on...
The defect of a continuous approximate solution to an ODE is the amount by which that approximation fails to satisfy the ODE. A number of studies have explored the use of asymptot...
We investigate the stability and convergence of an implicit box scheme for subsonic flows modelled by scalar conservation laws with dissipative and possibly stiff source terms. The...
An algorithm for computing primary roots of a nonsingular matrix A is presented. In particular, it computes the principal root of a real matrix having no nonpositive real eigenvalu...
We describe a fast solver for linear systems with reconstructible Cauchylike structure, which requires O(rn2 ) floating point operations and O(rn) memory locations, where n is th...